Our Dynamic Earth

Our Dynamic Earth
Holyrood Road, Edinburgh EH8 8AS
Our Dynamic Earth is a Charitable Trust whose broad objective is to provide continuing education in "Earth Sciences". Profits raised through the operation of the Dynamic Earth attraction are ploughed back in to help further the Trust's objectives.

Main entrance
Situated at the bottom of Holyrood Road, close by the Scottish Parliament and the Palace of Holyroodhouse, Our Dynamic Earth is among Edinburgh's best attractions. Appropriately set against the backdrop of Arthur's Seat, which itself is the product of massive geological upheaval over millions of years, the building housing the exhibition is immediately striking with its huge white fabric roof.

Our Dynamic Earth with Salisbury Craggs in the background
Inside an amazing journey of discovery awaits. First visitors first travel back in time to the big bang when the universe was first created. Then they move forward to understand the creation of the planets, the huge natural and geological forces that bring about changes in the landscape and how life evolved on earth, with the subsequent evolution and extinction of species.

Seen from Salisbury Crags
Next the exhibition brings visitors to present day earth to explore the extremes of climate and conditions in which life has adapted to survive, from the polar regions to the deserts and the tropical rainforest. Finally, visitors move to the FutureDome to look at what the future of the planet might be and how we humans have the power to influence this.

A visit to Our Dynamic Earth is an educational experience that all ages will enjoy. Rarely is learning this much fun!

Click here for more information on Our Dynamic Earth